

Shopping Tips

Shop Wisely
  • Know who you're dealing with.
  • Protect your privacy.
  • While online order only on a secure server.
  • Guard your online password.
  • Pay the safest way.
Know Your Rights
  • Know who you're dealing with.
  • Protect your privacy.
  • While online order only on a secure Read More →

Real Estates – Buying a house or apartment

Before purchasing property anywhere in Cyprus you are strongly advised to seek qualified legal advice from a source that is independent from the seller. Property issues are closely linked to the political situation.  There are a number of potential practical, financial Read More →

Buying Land in Cyprus

Before purchasing property anywhere in Cyprus you are strongly advised to seek qualified legal advice from a source that is independent from the seller. Property issues are closely linked to the political situation.  There are a number of potential practical, financial Read More →